Good morning. I hope this finds you and your family safe and healthy. We have missed you, we have missed the Riverside Fitness community.
For your safety, we have taken the following steps:

Moved all equipment including, bikes, treadmills, ellipticals, and benches 6 or more feet apart
Purchased 50 spray bottles and 200 terry towels for members to wipe down equipment
Cleaned entire building with antibacterial and anti-virus cleaner
Purchased as many bottles of hand sanitizer we could get our hands on
Added fans and will keep doors open for extra ventilation (until it gets too hot outside)
Reduced class size to 8-10
Added COVID-19 posters and flyers up to remind all of us to follow CDC and WHO guidelines

Your turn!
Respect all members. We all have different opinions on wearing masks, wiping things down, staying 6 feet away, etc. We have seen and heard the conspiracy theories out there. As a gym, we will obey all WHO and CDC guidelines as laid out for us to be able to operate now and in the future.
Masks. We recommend wearing masks (based on CDC and WHO), but are not going to mandate you wear them.
When entering the gym please grab a spray bottle and towel to keep with you as you go through your workout, then simply put dirty towels in the bin as you leave.
When entering class, there will be mats/benches laid out, please take your keys, bags, etc. to your workout spot. No need to check yourself into class, the instructors will do that for you. There will be a spray bottle in front of each mat/bench, wipe down your equipment when done, replace equipment (such as for BodyPump) one person at a time. All classes will have stationary stations for week 1.
Please do not sign up for more than one class a day. We are very limited in class numbers and appreciate you giving a chance for each member to be able to attend.
We are all in this together. Let's help each other get through firstly day 1, then week 1 and so on. Thank you for your continued support.
Wayne and Amy Vandemerwe