Happy Thursday!!!!!!!! Week 1 post-reopening is nearly complete, and a huge thank you to all of you who have come into the gym or taken any of the classes and followed the guidelines to the T! I appreciate your effort and your feedback as we continue to battle through this crazy time!
On Monday we brought in EPA approved ZEP anti-virus smog machine and completely covered the building inside and out. This is guaranteed to kill the virus for 21 days. Here is the link to the product:
Today I cancelled all future one-day passes in order to protect your space and equipment usage at Riverside Fitness. We have received too many one-day pass requests from community members whose gyms have not opened yet. For the next three months they will need to purchase a one-week pass or become a monthly member. You as a member may still bring a guest, but please realize that I am trying to keep the building numbers down for the short term, and I hope this keeps us all a little safer.

I don’t think I have said "thank you" enough to everyone who kept their membership going through the 8-week shutdown. Your generosity and loyalty has allowed us to keep the doors open and kept us afloat. I also wanted to thank everyone that called, texted, or emailed that they would have liked to keep their membership open but had lost their job, or had been furloughed, or had a reduction in their pay, so had to cancel. I pray that you are on your way to financial recovery at this time. We do have additional membership scholarship funds saved and I would love to offer that to you to assist during this time. Please call or text me at 321-347-2900 if you're interested.
Please stay in your car or practice safe distancing on the sidewalk outside until the instructor calls you in. When walking in, take the mat/bench furthest from the door as we fill the room. Drum roll please…. We are now offering live virtual classes through our MINDBODY app, starting May 26! This will allow you to attend classes from home.

To sign up, simply register for the classes where the title's first word is "Virtual." Approximately 30 minutes before class start, you will receive an email with the link to the live class. Note these classes are 100% LIVE and will not be recorded and saved for you to access later. You must join in real time in order to participate.
This is new technology for both MINDBODY and Riverside Fitness, so we hope the hiccups will be minimal. Please be patient and please take advantage of this valuable way to get access to the classes that are full due to capacity limitations. We will be further enhancing the quality of these videos around the middle of next week with a microphone upgrade.
Send us your feedback after you've tried a class or two!
New Nutrition Coach Partnership
We are very proud to be partnering with Jessica Toomey to help you on your healthy eating journey. After being diagnosed with Hashimoto disease, Jessica dove into learning about integrative nutrition. Jessica's current certifications include:
Holistic Health Coach – Institute of Integrative Nutrition
Personal Trainer – National associating of Sports Medicine
Barre Instructor – Barre Amped
Mat Pilates Instructor – Peak Pilates

Jessica's ongoing education courses she is currently working through to deepen her knowledge for her clients include:
Food for Hormones
Emotional Eating
Riverside Fitness members get a FREE 1-hour consultation with Jessica to see how she can assist you. You can schedule your consultation here:
You can also reach her at jtoomey31@hotmail.com.